Resultados: 5

Cuidados paliativos e comunicação: estudo com profissionais de saúde do serviço de atenção domiciliar

Objective: to investigate if professionals of the Home Care Service value communication, within the scope of palliative care, when assisting patients without possibility of healing, and ascertain the facilitating communication strategies used by these professionals for promoting palliative care. Methods:...

Fitoterapia na atenção básica: estudo com profissionais enfermeiros

Objective: investigating the understanding of nurses about Phytotherapy and checking the strategies needed for consolidating this practice in Primary Care. Methods: This is an exploratory research, with qualitative approach, conducted with 10 nurses in Family Health units of the District IV, in the city ...

Cuidados paliativos e bioética: estudo com enfermeiros assistenciais

Objective: The objective was to investigate the ethical observances used by nurses assisting the patient without possibilities of cure. Methods: Exploratory research, qualitative in nature, performed with 28 nurses of a public hospital, located in the city of João Pessoa/PB. The data were collected thro...

Produção científica acerca do modelo Calgary de avaliação da família: um estudo bibliométrico

Objective: To characterize the scientific production available in online journals about the Calgary Modelof Family Assessment. Method: A bibliometric research with a sample of 52 articles published between2004 and 2013 in nursing journals in the period 2004-2013, disseminated in LILACS and BDENF DigitalL...

Buscando o significado do adolescer em uma instituição de abrigo

Objective: To reveal the meaning of reaching the adolescence in an shelter institution through the main reasons that led to this experience; to inquire about the representation of the family and care before the institutionalized living and to identify which are the life expectancies of adolescents for th...